The research activities of the institute, carried out by four research groups, cover a wide range of areas in geotechnical engineering.

Research areas include important topics of foundation engineering, tunneling, soil and rock mechanics, and environmental engineering. Current projects focus primarily on:
- Geotechnical design (typically including tunneling, soil–structure interaction, foundation engineering, geosynthetics-geosystem engineering, transportation geotechnics, flood-protection works, earthquake engineering);
- Stability analysis (natural and engineered soil slopes and rock walls);
- Sustainability of geo-structures (for example, in environmental geotechnics);
- more complex coupled processes often active within natural and anthropogenic hazards (such as radioactive-waste disposal, including important aspects of clay mineralogy and problems relating to unsaturated soil mechanics).
Primary methods used include:
- Modeling (physical, numerical, constitutive/material);
- Laboratory element testing and mineralogical analytical methods;
- In situ testing (field-site investigation);
- Field measurements in soil and rock;
- Advanced sensors and measuring techniques.